Breast Health & General Surgery

For your initial visit you will need to bring your insurance card, government-issued photo ID, co-pay and/or physician referral if applicable. If your referring physician ordered any tests, please let us know the day of your appointment.

Breast Care and General Surgery at Dedicated to Women is led by Wendy Newell, MD, FACS and Justine Kline, PA-C. We offer patients expert breast care and general surgery. Our treatment and care are tailored to the unique needs of the individual patient.

In-Office Procedures

Procedures available to breast cancer patients and other patients with diseases of the breast include – but are not limited to – the following: 

Dr. Newell offers a wide variety of general surgery including thyroid and gallbladder surgery. Both Justine Kline. PA-C and Wendy Newell, MD are running a comprehensive high risk cancer assessment looking to see if women need more than a mammogram. If you or a family member with breast cancer or ovarian cancer are over the age 30 you may need genetic counseling or testing. You may need a breast MRI or be start medication that prevents breast cancer.

If you are being seen as a high risk patient, bring as much family cancer history as possible.

Breast Health & General Surgery with Dr. Wendy Newell